Construction of the Cirrus TV-1 rocket system is nearly complete, and is shown in Figure 6, at left (click here for larger image). The rocket stands 6.2 feet (1.9 m.) high, and the expected lift-off mass is just under 20 lbs. (9 kg), of which nearly half is ballast. Predicted peak altitude is just over 2000 ft. (622 metres) (view SOAR altitude simulation program output file for Cirrus TV-1: soar053.txt).To the immediate left is the Juno booster, and to the far left is the Cirrus TM-1 (Test Motor), being utilized to propel the upper stage. This is a G-class motor with a single grain consisting of 91 grams of KN-Dextrose propellant, cast into an inhibitor liner. Performance is deliberately minimized by operating at relatively low chamber pressure (460 psi max. design) and by use of a sonic (non-divergent) nozzle. This flight will be the maiden firing of this motor.
The rocket paint scheme includes "roll markings" and fins with alternating colours, intended to allow the vehicle roll rate to be ascertained (from video footage).